School of Nursing Scholarships
The School of Nursing annually awards over $600,000 in scholarships to undergraduate students. Applications will be considered for all School of Nursing scholarships as appropriate depending on some or all of the following: academic achievement, leadership ability, community involvement, personal qualifications, financial need, and career interests.
Students who are applying for admission to, or who are continuing in, either the Traditional BSN program, the BSN@Home program, or the Accelerated BSN program are eligible to apply for scholarships. BSN@Home students are eligible for scholarship support only during the semesters they are enrolled on the UW-Madison campus. Students must be in good academic standing and U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Application Process
Students apply for all School of Nursing scholarships through the Wisconsin Scholarships Hub (WISH). Application cycles vary by program. Students are notified when their respective program application opens both by email and through the School of Nursing announcements. Scholarships are awarded for one academic year – Summer/Fall/Spring for ABSN, Fall/Spring for all other programs – therefore students must submit a scholarship application each year during the appropriate application cycle. Students who wish to have financial need considered as part of their application scoring criteria must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is available online at:
The online application for current Traditional BSN and BSN@Home nursing students is typically available early spring. Prospective Traditional BSN and BSN@Home students who have applied for admission to the School of Nursing and are awaiting on their admissions decision will be emailed instructions on how to apply for scholarships at this time as well. Accelerated BSN applicants typically apply for scholarships in October of their admissions application year for the upcoming academic year.
To begin applying to scholarships, please click here. Sign in with your NetID and complete the brief General Application. Following that, you will fill out the School of Nursing Application. The School of Nursing Application will only show up during the application cycle. All questions must be answered in order to submit the application. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Award Process
Completed applications are read and evaluated using criteria designated by the donor and the values of the School. Scholarship offers are typically made late spring for ABSN students and mid-August for TBSN/BSN@Home students. Awards are all processed through the WISH system.
Contact the School of Nursing Scholarship Team if you have additional questions:
Additional Financial Aid Resources

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Basic Needs Resources from the Office of Student Financial Aid
The Office of Student Financial Aid has a page dedicated to providing information on resources offered both through UW-Madison and the local community to help support student basic needs.
The Basic Needs Resources page offers information on:
- How to connect with a Basic Needs Assistant
- Submitting a “Basic Needs Request” through Purposity
- Exploring emergency support options
- Financial and tenant resources
- Food resources
- Health insurance
- Internet and technology assistance
- Child care assistance
Financial Advising Appointments with the Office of Student Financial Aid
The Office of Student Financial Aid has a team of advisors who are available to meet one on one to assist with all things financial aid: need help completing the FAFSA, have questions about your financial aid offer, or need advice on budgeting, money management, or debt counseling? Drop in or schedule an appointment today!
Drop In Advising – Today@UW
Schedule a Financial Advising Appointment through Starfish
Emergency Support
From the UW-Madison Office of Student Financial Aid
Badgers may face financial challenges and emergencies during their time at UW-Madison. We have financial support options, as well as limited emergency financial assistance opportunities available to currently enrolled students.
Outside/Non-UW Scholarships
Check out the extensive list below of scholarships unaffiliated with UW-Madison!
Outside Scholarships
AAPINA Scholarship
The Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association (AAPINA) awards this scholarship to one of its members pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree to help support nursing education for AAPINA members and embrace the contribution of their membership in achieving AAPINA’s core mission. Application requires 2 years of AAPINA membership, current enrollment in an accredited undergraduate or graduate nursing program, evidence of excellent academic performance (GPA > 3.5/4), a short essay response, and 2 letters of recommendation.
Deadline: late-July Number of Awards: 1 Award Amount: $500
Accredited Schools Online Scholarships
Scholarship awards are based on merit, need, minority or gender status, or any number of other factors or combination of factors. Scholarships are sponsored by a variety of sources, such as the federal and state governments, private companies and public non-profits, social clubs and professional organizations, and colleges and universities themselves.
AHEC Scholars Program
Wisconsin AHEC’s program, AHEC Scholars, is a two-year program for students entering the last two years of their health professions program. This program is designed to enhance and broaden health training with a combination of didactic education and community-based field placement in a Wisconsin rural or underserved community. Further information about eligibility requirements and program benefits can be found on the linked website.
Application: typically open August – October for the same year’s Fall cohort (e.g. open August 2022 – October 2022 for Fall 2022 cohort)
Number of spots: 6 Stipend: $1,500
American Association of University Women Scholarships (AAUW)
Applicant must be a female student currently enrolled in a medical school and be a student member in AMWA at the national level. Applicant must also demonstrate financial need and submit an essay and letter of recommendation.
Application Cycles: August 1 – September 15, September 16 – October 31 Number of Awards: 4 Award Amount: $500 Application
American Indian Nurse Scholarship
Applicant must be enrolled in a tribe. If not enrolled, the student will be considered if he or she can prove direct tribal ancestry. Applicant must also be a high school graduate or have equivalent education, and be enrolled in an accredited school. Students must be pursuing degrees in nursing or in the field of health care and health education. Students are expected to return to work among their people to help improve health care.
Award Amount: $1,500 per semester Application
Amy Hunter-Wilson, MD, Scholarship
Amy Hunter-Wilson, MD, Scholarship: Established by Dr. Hunter-Wilson, this scholarship is available to American Indian students who pursue training or advanced education as doctors of medicine, nurses, or in a related health field. The application contains information on how to format recommendation letters.
Deadline: February 1 Award Amount: varies, generally $1,000 or more Application
Army Nurse Corps Association Scholarship
Financial assistance is offered to nursing students enrolled in an accredited baccalaureate and graduate nursing/nurse anesthesia program. Eligibility Criteria: are serving or have previously served in any branch, and at any rank, of a component of the US Army, are not currently receiving funding by a component of the US Army, and, as applicable, have received an Honorable Discharge OR nursing or anesthesia students whose parent(s), spouse, or child(ren) is serving or has served in a component of the US Army. Application opens in February.
Deadline: March 30 Award Amount: $3,000
Aya Healthcare Future Travel Nurse Scholarship
Eligibility requirements include being of full-time nursing student status or proof of acceptance to a nursing program, having a 3.0 GPA or higher, being involved in extra-curricular organization(s) and/or volunteer work, and a passion for patient care. Aya will award 10 scholarships each year.
Deadline: year round Number of Awards: 10 Award Amount: $1,000
Bank Family Education Scholarship*
The Bank Family Education Fund was established by Daniel Banks, Barbara Banks, and their family to offer scholarships to students interested in outdoors, wildlife, and conservation, giving them the opportunity to further their education. The scholarship is open to legal residents of the United States who are at least 18 years of age. The applicant must be enrolled in an accredited college, undergraduate or graduate degree program in the United States. The scholarship is offered to both part-time and full-time students. Candidates must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. In order to apply for the scholarship, applicants should submit a 750-word-minimum original essay that expresses your appreciation of outdoors, wildlife, and conservation.
Deadline: March 30, September 30 Award Amount: Up to $2,000
Baron & Budd Law Firm – Mesothelioma Cancer Victims Memorial Scholarships*
These scholarships are open to any freshman enrolled, or who will be enrolled, in a 4 year institution for any field of study. Applicants must provide two letters of recommendation that both specifically name the Baron & Budd Mesothelioma Cancer Victims Memorial Scholarship. Entries for this scholarship are in the form of either an 800-1250 word essay or 2-3 minute YouTube video about how mesothelioma or other cancers have impacted you and/or your loved ones.
Deadline: July 8 Number of Awards: 2 Award Amounts: $2,500
BSN Education Scholarships
A scholarship resource of BSN students linking to multiple available scholarships. Scholarships*
A collection of scholarship opportunities for student caregivers. understand that student caregivers may not have the time to scour the Internet to find available scholarships to help pay for college; that’s why they’ve handled some of that research by compiling and updating this list to ensure students have access to the latest caregiver scholarships and information.
Caroline E. Holt Nursing Scholarship
Applicant must demonstrate that they are in financial need and are accepted and enrolled into an accredited school of nursing. Requirements include an application form, a list of extracurricular activities, a stamped postcard, two recommendation letters, a personal statement, and an official transcript.
Deadline: January 31 Number of Awards: 3 Award Amount: $2,500, non-renewable
CastleBranch-GNSA Scholarship Program
The CastleBranch-GNSA Scholarship Program awards funding to master’s and doctoral students who are advancing the nursing profession through a commitment to innovation, leadership, and mentoring. Applicants must be members of AACN’s Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA) in order to be eligible.
Deadlines: September 30 & December 30 Number of Awards: 2 per deadline Award Amount: $2,500
Catching the Dream Scholarship*
Applicant must be 1/4 or more Native American and an enrolled member of a U.S. tribe. Applicant must be either enrolled or must plan to attend an accredited U.S. college or university on a full-time basis. Because this is a supplemental aid program, applicants are required to apply for all other sources of funding for which they are eligible.
Deadlines: March 15, April 30, September 15 Award Amount: $500 – $5,000 per academic year
Charlotte McGuire Scholarship Program
Applicant must have a current RN Licensure and be a current active member of AHNA for a minimum of 6 months. Applicant must be enrolled in an undergraduate academic setting dedicated to a practice of Holistic Nursing.
Deadline: April 15 Award Amount: $1,250
CFF Foundation Education Award *
CFF is proud to offer quarterly awards to university and college students! This scholarship will be awarded to a citizen or a Permanent Resident of the United States who is enrolled and taking classes at an accredited college or university in the United States. CFF will grant selected applicants a $1,500 financial award for their compelling essays on fishing, outdoors and adventure activities.
Deadline: March 30, June 30, September 30, December 31 Number of Awards: 1 per quarter (4 annually) Award Amount: $1,500
CIA Medical Scholarship*
The CIA Medical Scholarship was established to help students pursuing a post-secondary education with the cost of tuition and other expenses. To apply for our scholarship, tell a story of how a healthcare worker has made a difference in your life or the life of someone near and dear to your heart. This person does not have to be a direct family member, but must be factually-based, and meaningful to you personally.
Deadline: June 1 Number of Awards: 3 ($1,000), 7 ($250) Award Amount: up to $1,000 Application
*Pre-nursing students may apply
EDUMED Scholarships & Resources for Black Students
Scholarships and grants from nonprofits, professional associations, schools, and other sources play a critical role in making higher education more accessible and ensuring all students have the opportunity to achieve their higher education and career goals. This guide provides a list of scholarship award programs for the Black community, gives tips on how to make your scholarship application shine, and offers additional resources that provide support to Black students from enrollment through graduation and beyond.
Elizabeth J. Davis Scholarship
Available to any Vermont resident who is studying for a degree in a health profession and plans to work in home care in Vermont upon completion of the program (does not have to attend school in Vermont). Two brief essays are required. Contact Vermont Student Assistant Corporation (VSAC) for an application.
Deadline: February 12 Award Amount: $1,000 to $3,000
Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA) Scholarship*
All students are encouraged to apply for these college scholarships. Deserving applicants are judged on the criteria of character, leadership, service, financial need, and scholastic ability.
Deadline: February 1 Award Amount: up to $3,000, and a graduate studies scholarship is available for $7,500
F.A. Davis Scholarships
F.A. Davis is proud to offer annual scholarships to support those aspiring to work in healthcare.
Deadline: October 31 Number of Awards: 3 Award Amount: $1,000
FNSNA – Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association
The FNSNA undergraduate scholarship program provides funding to qualified nursing students ensuring that you complete your degree on time. Apply for over 100 undergraduate nursing education scholarships with only one application! Required documents to complete the application include: unofficial transcript; faculty member certification form; financial aid certification form; RN/LPN license if applicable; NSNA membership number if applicable. Questions can be directed to
Deadline: January 24, 2025
Geraldine “Polly” Bednash Scholarship Program
The Geraldine “Polly” Bednash Scholarship Program provides funding to outstanding students in baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral programs at AACN member institutions. Applicants must submit a brief essay on personal goals and career aspirations in nursing.
Deadlines: January 31, April 30, July 31, October 31 Number of Awards: 2 per deadline Award Amount: $5,000
Grant Regional Health Center Foundation Health Career Scholarship*
Scholarships awarded to individuals beginning or continuing their enrollment in a healthcare program. Priority given to residents of Grant County. Auxiliary is sponsoring (2) $1000 for those attending 4 year colleges, and (2) $500 for those attending a 1-2 year health-related program. Foundation is sponsoring a $1000 scholarship, and an additional $2000 through Southwest Technical College. In addition to this the Foundation will also award 3 $500 scholarships to children of staff who work at GRHC through the Martin Scholarship Fund.
Deadline: April 1 Award Amount: varies Application
Greta James Memorial Scholarship*
Applicant must be currently attending or enrolled to attend nursing school. Requires two essays highlighting financial need and leadership within their community.
Deadline: April 15 & October 15 Number of Awards: 4 Award Amount: $500 per semester
HIE Help Center Scholarship*
The HIE Help Center is pleased to offer two annual scholarships for students who are committed to helping people with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), cerebral palsy (CP), and other disabilities. Being personally impacted by HIE or another disability is not a requirement, as the scholarships focus on the applicant’s goals to support those who are affected. However, students with disabilities are certainly welcome and encouraged to apply. The HIE Help Center will award one scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to an undergraduate or graduate student who plans to pursue a career in physical, occupational, or speech therapy and one scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to an undergraduate or graduate student who plans to pursue a career in special education.
Deadline: July 31 Award Amount: $1,000
Holy Family Memorial Healthcare Scholarships
Holy Family Memorial, located in Manitowoc, WI, is offering scholarships to students attending school for a variety of careers in healthcare, including Nursing, Physical Therapy, PA, NP, Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science, Pharmacy, Speech/Language Pathology, and Ultrasound/Sonography. Students interested in the scholarship need to have and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA, and be working towards a degree in one of these programs. Applicants who are awarded the Scholarship must make a six-month commitment to work at HFM for each semester the Scholarship is awarded. There will be a personal interview to evaluate likelihood for professional success, professionalism, customer service orientation, etc. For more information, students are invited to visit our website at, or contact Human Resources at (920) 320-4031 or e-mail Information about the scholarship will appear on the ‘News’ page linked, sometime towards the end of March.
Deadline: May 1 Number of Awards: 6 Award Amount: $2,000 Application
Hurst Review-AACN Nursing Scholarship
Hurst Review and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) are partnering to offer this scholarship program that recognizes and rewards entry-level nursing students for outstanding academic performance. All applicants must already be enrolled in an AACN member institution and maintain at least a 3.2 grade point average in their current program or last school attended. One scholarship in the amount of $2,500 will be distributed twice yearly.
Deadline: September 1 and February 1. Number of Awards: 2/year Award Amount: $2,500 Application
*Pre-nursing students may apply
Incredible Health
Incredible Health has compiled a list of 50 nursing scholarships. Requirements, deadlines, and amounts vary.
Indian Health Services Loan Repayment Program
The IHS Loan Repayment Program (LRP) can help dedicated health professionals like you chart a course for a long-lasting and successful health care career. The LRP funds IHS clinicians to repay their eligible health profession education loans — up to $40,000 — in exchange for an initial two-year service commitment to practice in health facilities serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
Deadline: February 3
Indigenous Student Scholarships & College Guide
List of several organizations that stand out for their dedication to Native student success. The website also provides resources such as information on advocacy organizations for indigenous college students, scholarship advice, fellowship opportunities, and advice around adjusting to college life as an indigenous student.
Isabelle Rowe Nursing Scholarship
The Isabelle Rowe Nursing Scholarship is an opportunity from The Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region. This scholarship benefits students aged 21 or older who reside in Waupaca or Fox Valley areas in Wisconsin and are pursuing a degree in nursing. Additional eligibility requirements include academic achievement (minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA), work experience in a healthcare-related field, and financial need (considered). Students may re-apply each year they are eligible.
Deadline: May 1 Award Amount: $2,000
John D. and Virginia Riesch Scholarship
Established with a gift from Dr. and Mrs. Riesch, this fund offers scholarships for students pursuing careers as physicians or nurses. Applicants for the medical doctor award must be attending UW School of Medicine and Public Health and nursing students must be attending UW-Madison. To apply, complete the General Scholarship Application and in the personal statement, stress how you have demonstrated empathy, recognition of colleagues, passion for learning and the desire to share your knowledge to educate colleagues and patients. Preference is given to students who desire to practice in Wisconsin. One medical student and one nursing student award are available.
Deadline: February 1
LitFellow is offering an annual scholarship to deserving students who want to grow and lead in the future. To participate in the scholarship program, applicants must write a 1000+ word article on the given topic. All enrolled high school, college, and university students are eligible to apply.
Deadline: December 1 Award Amount: $1,000
Medical Healthcare Financial Aid Opportunities*
List of multiple scholarships available to Nursing Students.
Mometrix Test Preparation Nursing Scholarship *
Write it. Submit it. Win it. To enter the Mometrix Test Preparation Nursing Scholarship Competition, simply write an essay describing the single biggest motivating factor that drives you in your pursuit of a career in nursing. First, second, and third place are awarded prizes.
Deadline: May 13 Number of Awards: 3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) Award Amounts: 1st place – $750, 2nd place – $400, 3rd place – winners choice between a 3-month subscription to one of Mometrix’s online courses or one of Mometrix’s Secrets Study Guides and a Flashcard Study System
Moneygeek Scholarship Search
This resource helps nursing students find scholarships with varying deadlines, award amounts, and criteria.
Mosse/Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies Scholarships*
A number of awards, grants, and scholarships to UW-Madison undergraduate and graduate students are awarded annually. These funding opportunities include research grants, study abroad scholarships, funding for conference travel, grants for “domestic study” (such as intensive summer language courses in the United States), and awards for general excellence in Jewish Studies coursework. Application forms and instructions are available on the Center’s website.
Deadline: November 19
*Pre-nursing students may apply
National American Arab Nurses Association (NAANA) Scholarships
The National American Arab Nurses Association (NAANA) awards scholarships to well deserving recipients who will carry on the mission of NAANA, which serves as a voice, network, and resource for Arab Americans in pursuit of employment and advancement within the nursing profession. Applicants must provide proof of acceptance or enrollment in an accredited nursing program, must be of Arab heritage, must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States, and must reside within the US or its territories. Applicants must also be in good academic standing (GPA of 3.0 or higher/4.0), demonstrate leadership, and provide evidence of engagement in and contribution to the health care of the Arab American community.
Deadline: September 30 Award Amount: $500-1,000
Native American & Alaska Native Student Scholarships* has compiled a list of some of the top scholarships that are specifically designed to aid Native Americans and Alaskan Native students in their pursuit of college degrees.
Native American Scholarships and Grants*
Moneygeek offers a variety of scholarships, grants, and tuition waivers for Native Americans seeking to defray the cost of a college education. Deadlines and award amounts vary.
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Foundation Scholarships*
The NAEMT Foundation is offering scholarship opportunities to individuals interested in pursuing a career in EMS. The recipient must begin the educational program in the term for which the award is granted.
Deadline: April 30 Award Amount: Up to $1,000
National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) Awards and Scholarships
NAHN Scholarships are awarded annually to active NAHN members enrolled in accredited LVN/LPN, associate, diploma, baccalaureate, and graduate nursing programs. Scholarship recipients are a select group of Hispanic nursing students who demonstrate promise of professional contributions to the nursing profession and who have the potential to act as role models for other aspiring nursing students. Applicants must be NAHN members in good standing for 6 months before the application deadline (June 15), and must be attending/enrolled in an accredited full-time nursing program.
Deadline: June 15
National Association of School Nurses (NASN) Advocacy Education Award
Applicant must be a current member with Active classification membership for the previous two years. Applicant must hold a current licensure and be employment full time as a school nurse (RN).
Deadline: October 25 Award Amount: $1,500
National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) Scholarships
Applicant must be African American currently enrolled in a nursing program and in good academic standing. Must be a member of the NBNA and have at least a full year of school remaining.
Deadline: April 15 Award Amount: $1,000-$15,000
National Health Service Corps and NURSE Corps
NHSC Loan Repayment Program–“The NHSC Loan Repayment Program offers primary care medical, dental, and mental and behavioral health care providers the opportunity to have their student loans repaid, while earning a competitive salary, in exchange for providing health care in urban, rural, or frontier communities with limited access to care.”
NURSE Corps Scholarship Program– Eligible nursing students can apply to the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program (Nurse Corps SP). If accepted, they pay your tuition, fees, and other educational costs. In return, you work at a Critical Shortage Facility (CSF) when you graduate.
NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program (Pilot)–“Loan repayment assistance is available to registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses, such as nurse practitioners, working in a public or private nonprofit Critical Shortage Facility OR nurse faculty employed by an accredited school of nursing.”
Navy Nurse Candidate Program*
Earn up to $40,000 for tuition, rent, books, utilities, loan repayment, etc. while completing your Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree.
This is a database with a collection of grants and scholarships available to nursing students. Award amounts and deadlines vary.
Nursing Scholarships
This is a searchable scholarship database created specifically for nursing students. The scholarship listed here are provided by various nursing associations, educational institutions, foundations, for-profit/non-profit organizations, etc.
There is a growing demand for nurses in the U.S., however, there are many obstacles to becoming a fully qualified Registered or Practical Nurse. To address this, the team at has created several academic scholarships to reduce barriers to becoming a nurse. is offering one scholarship in each of these 3 categories: General Nursing Scholarship; Underrepresented Student Nursing Scholarship; Single Parent Nursing Scholarship
Deadline: June 1 Award Amount: $500
Nurses Foundation of Racine Scholarship*
The Nurses Foundation of Racine is offering scholarships for nursing students who reside in Kenosha, Racine, and Walworth Counties. Applicants must be enrolled in a nursing program with at least one semester of the nursing curriculum completed and must be in good academic standing. Must submit 3 signed letters of recommendation (faculty member, recent employer, personal).
Deadline: February 28 postmark
*Pre-nursing students may apply
OutdoorStack’s Annual Financial Aid Program*
To encourage students and families throughout America to spend more time outdoors, we have created the Outdoor Stack’s Annual Financial Aid Program for students enrolled in Full-Time, Part-Time or Online education courses. One passionate individual will receive an award, for applying and expressing their interest in the subject. If you’re currently a full-time, part-time or online education student with interest in outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, cycling, water sports or winter sports then we strongly encourage you to apply.
Deadline: April 15 Number of Awards: 1 Award Amount: $1,500
Pacific Medical Training*
Pacific Medical Training will grant a $1,000 scholarship to the author of the winning essay, and complimentary access to any of their courses for three runner ups. Courses include ACLS, BLS, PALS and monitor technician certification. Pre-nursing students are qualified to apply/submit an essay.
Deadline: November 1 Award Amount: $1,000
QGenda-AACN Scholarship
QGenda, a leader in healthcare workforce management solutions, has joined with AACN on a new scholarship program for students in all types of baccalaureate nursing programs four-year, accelerated, and degree-completion programs. Eligibility: Must be a current undergraduate nursing student. Must have at least a 3.5 GPA. Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident. Provide one academic or professional reference. Submit an essay (500-word maximum) on how they want to make an impact as a nurse OR how a nurse has specifically impacted them.
Deadline: July 1, February 1, & October 1 Number of Awards: 3 Award Amount: $5,000
RN to BSN/MSN Challenge Scholarship believes that nurses have the power to promote a healthier tomorrow. Applicants must be a Registered Nurse (RN) working towards your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a minimum GPA of 3.5, and a minimum age of 18. Online programs are eligible.
Deadline: September 1 Award Amount: $500
Ruth Dickie Grants-in-Aid
Available to Beta Chapter of Graduate Women in Sciences (GWIS) members. Both domestic and international students are welcome to apply.
Deadline: March 7 Award Amount: $500-$3,000
St Mary’s Hospital Minority Health Care Scholarship Program*
The scholarship provides financial assistance to individuals with interest and commitment to pursuing a health care profession. Scholarships will be awarded to two minority students who meet the eligibility requirements. Contact for information on eligibility requirements or to receive an application form.
Sam Haskell Scholarship*
Sam Haskell founded this annual scholarship with the understanding that many students do not have the financial means to further their education. Sam has been a lifelong patron for higher education and has helped many individuals achieve their academic and professional goals. The scholarship will be awarded to one high school senior, current college, or graduate student. Applicants must fill out a a short form and complete an essay.
Deadline: March 1 Number of Awards: 1 Award Amount: $1,000
ScrubinUniforms-AACN Scholarship
The Scrubin Uniforms/AACN Scholarship supports nursing students in baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral programs who are enrolled at AACN member schools with a formal affiliation agreement with Scrubin Uniforms. See eligible schools listed in the blue left column. To apply, students must complete an online application, provide demographic information and details on their academic achievement, and submit a short essay.
Deadline: September 1, December 30, & March 1 (Deadline extended to March 30, 2023) Number of Awards: 3/year Award Amount: $2,500 Aging Matters Scholarship * awards an annual scholarship to an individual that best demonstrates why “Aging Matters” to them. Any current student, or incoming freshman, in good academic standing at a 2 or 4 year accredited college is eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Deadline: May 15 Award Amount: $1,500
Shannon Marie & Louis Porter Smith Foundation Scholarship
The Shannon Marie & Louis Porter Smith Foundation awards one scholarship to a UW-Madison nursing undergraduate for the Spring semester. Applications will be accepted from October 1– November 30 of the preceding year. The scholarship is open to all undergraduate students who have been accepted into or are currently enrolled in the UW-Madison School of Nursing.
Deadline: November 30 Number of Awards: 2 Award Amount: $1,250
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research*
Applicant must plan to use the funding to pay for travel expenses to and from a research site, or for purchase of non-standard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project.
Deadline: March 15 & October 1 Award Amount: $400-$1,000
Spolin Law Civil Rights and Criminal Law Essay Competition and $1,000.00 Scholarship
Spolin Law P.C. represents people whose civil rights have been violated and individuals facing criminal charges, whether they have been wrongfully accused of a crime or are simply seeking a fair outcome. The underlying principle of the firm is that every person deserves to be treated with dignity. To further this idea, Spolin Law P.C. has created a Civil Rights and Criminal Law Essay Competition, the winner of which will receive a $1,000 scholarship. The purpose of the scholarship is to raise awareness of criminal and civil rights issues and support students who can articulate the importance of these principles.
Deadline: October 1st Award Amount: $1,000
Staver Law Group Personal Injury Scholarship*
In order to be eligible for the Staver Law Group Personal Injury Scholarship, applicants must: applicants should also demonstrate good character and strong motivation despite challenges, be a United States citizen or permanent resident, be accepted to or currently enrolled in an accredited college, university, or graduate program within the United States, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Deadline: May 1 Award Amount: $5,000 Scholarship for Future Nurses* wants to assist in furthering the educational opportunities of future nurses. Areas of study that will be considered include students pursuing a bachelor’s degree program in nursing on the path to becoming a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, psychiatric nurse, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, clinical nurse specialist, and other related nurse professionals.
Deadline: May 1 Number of Awards: 1 Award Amount: $500 Application
*Pre-nursing students may apply
“Test Yourself” Scholarship From STDLabs*
The “Test Yourself” Scholarship was created to increase awareness and critical consideration of the stubborn taboos around topics such as STD testing, and share more stories from inspirational people. Any student currently enrolled in, or applying to enroll within the next academic year, in any degree program at an accredited US university is eligible to apply. Qualifying applicants must submit their name, address, phone number, contact email, and GPA via email along with a scholarship essay between 750 and 1,000 words explaining the challenge or testing experience they undertook, what motivated or pushed them to engage in the challenge, and what they gained from the experience – applicant essays may also touch on broader perspectives regarding challenges and resilience. For more information please visit the page linked above.
Deadline: November 1, June 1 Award Amount: $1,500
ThedaCare Scholarships*
Multiple scholarships are offered through the ThedaCare Foundation.
Deadline: May 25
UW Continuing Studies Scholarships and Grants*
UW Madison Continuing Studies’ Adult Career and Special Student Services offers continuing education grants and scholarships to assist adult and nontraditional students. Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree program at UW-Madison, have had a significant break in their education and demonstrate financial need. Contact UW-Madison Adult Career and Special Student Services at 608-263-6960 or
UW Rural Health Essay*
The Hermes Monato, Jr. Prize of $2,500 is awarded annually for the “best rural health paper.” It is open to all students of the University of Wisconsin (any campus) as well as those who have graduated since last June 1st. Students are encouraged to write on a rural health topic for a regular class and then to submit a copy to the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative as an entry by June 1st. Visit the RWHC website for judging criteria and submission information.
Deadline: June 1st, annually Number of Awards: 1 Award Amount: $2,500
VA Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP)
The Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP) provides financial assistance to students receiving education or training in a direct or indirect health-care services discipline and assists in providing an adequate supply of such personnel for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). HPSP helps the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) meet its need for qualified health care professionals for which recruitment or retention is difficult. Full-time students will receive tuition, authorized required fees, stipend, and annual education expense payment and are given 4 years to complete their education. Upon completing their educational program and licensure/certification, participants work as permanent, full-time VA employees in the occupations for which the scholarship was awarded. Service obligation for full-time students is 2 to 3 years.
The Winston Salem Foundation Oliver Joel & Ellen Pell Denny Healthcare Scholarship*
Applicant must be studying a subject in the field of allied health at an accredited postsecondary institution and have a GPA of at least 2.5. Applicant must be seeking a first-time certificate, diploma, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree. Master’s degree holders are ineligible. Applicant must demonstrate financial need.
Deadlines: April 1 for most merit based scholarships and July 31 for most financial need scholarships Award Amount: Up to $3,000
Wisconsin Director of Nursing Council Scholarship
Scholarship to assist qualified people who wish to further their education and practice in the long term care nursing profession. Applicants must have present employment in a long term care facility in Wisconsin, be enrolled in at least a BSN program, and must agree to work in a long term care facility for at least two years after completion of the nursing program.
Deadline: January 28 Award Amount: $1,000
Wisconsin League for Nursing*
The Wisconsin League for Nursing (WLN) Scholarship Program is available to Wisconsin residents currently enrolled in Schools of Nursing. All scholarships are awarded at the WLN Fall Conference. Scholarship winners are announced a month prior to conference and awarded only if monies are available.
Wisconsin Medical Society Scholarships
Two scholarships available to nursing students, the Amy Hunter-Wilson, MD, Scholarship and the John D. and Virginia Riesch Scholarship.
Deadline: February 1
Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Leaders (WONL)
Scholarship funds are available for registered nurses seeking a baccalaureate degree in nursing (BSN) or an advanced degree in nursing leadership, including MSN, MBA, MHA, MSOL, DNP or PhD. Eligible applicants must be enrolled in a program accredited by a recognized accrediting body and be a registered nurse and a current Wisconsin resident.
Deadline: August 6
*Pre-nursing students may apply