For UWH Clinical Site:
Students in clinical rotations in health care facilities are at risk for injuries or clinical incidents. When an incident occurs, the student should notify their:
- Clinical instructor, if a first year student or
- Clinical preceptor and clinical course professor, a second year or graduate student.
Students are eligible to use University Health Services (UHS) for consultation and treatment. Students also have the option of contacting their individual health care provider for treatment or choosing to be seen at an emergency/urgent care facility rather than at UHS, but are responsible for all charges incurred.
Within 24 hours of a clinical incident or injury, the student and instructor/professor must complete and submit the Clinical Incident/Injury Report Form (pdf) to the Academic Affairs Office, Cooper Hall Suite 1100, or via email to
As a reminder, all students are strongly encouraged to have health insurance either through a private insurance company or through the University’s Student Health Insurance Program.
Other Clinical Sites:
The policy of the clinical site should be followed. Therefore, the student and clinical instructor or preceptor should refer to specific site guidance for reporting incident to the site. The student, clinical instructor or preceptor should also follow any site specific guidance related to consultation and treatment.
Within 24 hours of a clinical incident or injury, the student and instructor/professor must complete and submit the Clinical Incident/Injury Report Form (pdf) to the Academic Affairs Office, Cooper Hall Suite 1100, or via email to, and notify Nicole Mathweg (265-5600) at University Health Service of the incident.
Procedure for Handling Clinical-Related Injuries to Nursing Students
Instructor/Preceptor Responsibilities
General Injuries
All UW-Madison students enrolled for credit during a fall, spring, or summer semester are eligible to use all UHS services during that academic term.
If the injury occurs during University Health Service (UHS) clinic hours (8:30-5:00pm M, T, TH, F and 9-5 on W) the student should be referred to UHS for evaluation and treatment. Any student needing services should call before going to UHS. Staff can then arrange for them to be seen in the appropriate service. The number to call is 265-5600.
If there is a question whether treatment is appropriate or if UHS is closed, called the UHS after-hours Nurse Advice line, 265-5200, option 1. This service is available all times UHS is closed including evenings, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.
If the Nurse Advice Line recommends further treatment and UHS is closed, students should be referred to the UWHC Emergency Room for treatment if needed immediately. The student is responsible for all charges. Students whose health insurance policy requires the use of another particular facility should follow the insurance policy.
Students injured at clinical sites other than University Hospitals can call the UHS Nurse Advice line, or should be treated according to the policy of the clinical site. Students will be responsible for any charges incurred at facilities other than the University Health Service.
In any situation where the student is being treated for an injury received during a clinical experience, it is important that the treating facility understand that the injury is related to an instructional experience and is not employment related. Per contract, student injuries occurring during clinical experiences are not covered by Worker’s Compensation.
An incident report should be filed with the Academic Affairs Office of the School of Nursing, Room 1100 within 24 hours. The office can provide you with a form or you can download one by clicking here.
Injuries Involving Blood/Body Fluid Exposure at University Hospitals and Clinics
During hours 7am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday, notify Employee Health (263-7535) at UWHC and the Clinical Manager (Nicole Mathweg, RN, Nursing Supervisor) at University Health Services (608-265-5600.) Employee Health will initiate the evaluation process but will refer the student to UHS for treatment. Make sure that Employee Health is aware that the student in on clinical rotation and is not an employee. Notify Nicole Mathweg at University
Health Service. In the event that a student is not able to contact Nicole Mathweg he/she can call the main number and ask to speak with a nurse (608-265-5600).
The student should arrange for care at University Health Services either by Nicole Mathweg or the Call Center at 265-5600. Ideally, the student should be seen on the same day or on the next clinic day. If no immediate care is needed, notify Nicole Mathweg at 265-5600.
An incident report should be filed with the Academic Affairs Office of the School of Nursing.
Research/Occupational Medicine
The student should arrange for care at University Health Services either by contacting Nicole Mathweg or the Call Center at 265-5600. Ideally, the student should be seen on the same day or on the next clinic day. UHS will coordinate medical care for infectious exposures to non-human primates and needle stick injuries unrelated to patient care. If an exposure occurs, complete an incident report and bring a copy to the UHS appointment and a copy should be filed with the Academic Programs Student Services Office of the School of Nursing, 1100. Forms are available from this office in room 1100 or see Related Links.
If UHS is closed at the time of an injury, contact the After Hours Nurse Advice Line (608-265-5600, option 1) for instructions. This service is available Monday-Friday, 5pm-8:30am.Otherwise, care should be obtained from a personal health care provider or an emergency department.
Patients may be referred from UHS to a specialist or an Emergency Room; however, UHS is not responsible for payment of any charges incurred.