Academic Support


To develop the next generation of nurse leaders by providing holistic, culturally congruent student support across four dimensions: academic support, leadership & connection, career development, and wellness throughout the student experience.

Individual/Small Group Academic Support

CSS TA Spring 2025 Office Hours

Mondays: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Room 4241
Wednesdays: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Room 4219

Support By Request (SBR)

Please submit a “Support By Request” form if you would like individual or small group academic support/tutoring.

After the form is submitted, one of the TAs will follow up with you to schedule a session.

Academic Support Programs

Badger Scholars is an opt-in academic and social support group to support success in the nursing program and meets regularly by cohort.

Weekly topics will be determined by students. Potential topics could include: active study strategies for nursing; canvas navigation; making a study plan; NCLEX preparation;  Nursing Central navigation; APA citation.

If interested in joining Badger Scholars, contact

The Nurse kNowledge Network (N3) are peer-led study groups for first-year TBSN students facilitated by second-year TBSN students. These groups promote active studying and collaboration. 

In the fall semesters, these groups focus on N317: Pharmacology and N318: Pathophysiology. In the spring semesters the groups focus on N323: Health and Illness. 

First-year TBSN students must commit to attend and actively participate throughout the semester. Sign up is required within the first week of each semester and more information can be found on your WIN Canvas page.


Kelli Richards

Position title: Career Development & Learning Support Manager


Phone: 608-263-5163