Help individuals for as little as 2-3 hours a week in their home with chores, meal prep or personal cares! Work around your school schedule, help clients in need and make a difference in your …
Fall Career Focus Week 10/14-10/29: Careers in Healthcare & Mental Health
Careers in School Psychology Oct. 14 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm CST RSVP on Handshake Are you considering School Psychology as a career? Do you like the idea of helping promote positive mental health, academic success, …
Creating Dementia-Friendly Health Care Organizations – January CARE Connections
How can healthcare organizations become more dementia friendly, to support the growing number of people living with dementia? Read what family caregivers and providers suggest in the January issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter …
Why Ageism Makes Us Sick – November CARE Connections
How does ageism against older adults affect health and healthcare? Read the November issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter of the School of Nursing’s Center for Aging Research and Education. Here’s an excerpt: “Those …