Privacy & Social Media

Public Release of Student Names

School of Nursing students, who are on the Dean’s Honor List, receive selected scholarships or other awards are publicly acknowledged through press releases to hometown newspapers, and other School of Nursing publications. If you anticipate being on the Dean’s Honor List or receiving an award through the School of Nursing, and you do NOT want your name publicized, inform the Academic Affairs Office, room 1100 by the end of the second week of the semester.

For more information about FERPA and student privacy rights, click here.

Social Media Policy

The School of Nursing supports the University and professional nursing organization guidelines related to the use of social media. Information posted on a social media site (for example, but not limited to: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest) may potentially become disclosed to the public at any time, regardless of the privacy settings intended by the user. Consequently, students should not post content that is disrespectful of others, or any patient- or course-related information that is confidential, private, or proprietary.

All students in the School of Nursing academic programs are required to review the content in the links below for important information about the acceptable use of social media:

  • UW-Madison Social Media Guidelines and Links: This webpage lists University guidelines for the use of different type of content on social media in various situations, and covers the aspects of federal law regarding dissemination of confidential, private, or proprietary information under FERPA and HIPAA legislation.
  • American Nurses Association principles for nurses using social media
  • National Council of State Boards of Nursing “A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social Media”
  • National Council of State Boards of Nursing video overview of inappropriate uses of social media
  • National Council of State Boards of Nursing brochure with “A Nurse’s Guide…” and examples (scenarios) of inappropriate uses of social media


Academic Affairs


Phone: 608-263-5202

1100 Signe Skott Cooper Hall