NRSP’s November Featured Publication – Dr. Thomas

Nursing Research and Sponsored Programs is pleased to highlight this past month’s Featured Publication, authored by Dr. Nicole Thomas, PhD, RN; and co-authored by Drs. Anne Ersig, PhD, RN and Lisa Bratzke, PhD, RN, FAHA!

American settler colonization creates historical and current events that have harmed the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples. Nursing curricula has perpetuated Indigenous health inequalities by teaching from a Western pedagogical framework that relies on colonial institutions and systems, as well as ways of knowing, being and doing. Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Nicole Thomas and colleagues looked at this issue and the impact on Indigenous women’s maternal health, offering specific strategies to create a decolonial praxis within nursing education and by incorporating Indigenous-centered frameworks, and both a [post]colonial feminist and critical Indigenous lens into teaching.

Thomas, N. A.*, Ersig, A. L.*, Wispelwey, B., Owen, B.*, & Bratzke, L. C.* [2024]. Building decolonial nursing curricula to address disparities in Indigenous women’s maternal health. Nursing Outlook, 72[6], 102264.
*UW-Madison School of Nursing

This post was authored by Emma Schaefer on 12/02/2024.