Spring Course for Grad Students – MED-SC M930 American Indian Health, History and Tribal Governance

MED-SC M930 American Indian Health, History and Tribal Governance is a 10-week, 1-credit introductory course for health professions students designed to foundational knowledge regarding the history, structures, and key health priorities of Wisconsin tribal nations delivered by a wide range of faculty and guest experts.

Course Directors/Co-Instructors:  Dr. Bret Benally Thompson and Danielle Yancey

Eligibility:  Open to graduate level health professional degree students and Phase 1 MD students

Course Capacity:  Space is limited and open to all students that meet the eligibility requirements with priority given to NACHP students and students planning to complete a tribal clinic rotation in alignment with the Indians into Medicine (INMED) grant funded by the Indian Health Service, by which this course is sponsored. Students that have an interest in indigenous health, pursuing an indigenous health focused project or tribal clinic rotation are strongly encouraged to enroll.

Students must complete this “Request to Enroll” form and will be notified by NACHP if they have been approved to enroll in the course including instructions on how to enroll.

Timeline: “Request to Enroll” requests will be accepted until the course reaches capacity. Students will be notified if they have been accepted or placed on the waitlist beginning December 20, 2024.

Course Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe key elements and events which shape the history of Wisconsin tribes
  • Explain, distinguish, compare and contrast the key health priorities for various Wisconsin tribes
  • Describe the role that upstream determinants of tribal health, including environment and culture play in shaping tribal health outcomes
  • Identify how policies and tribal, state and federal systems impact Wisconsin tribal health
  • Explore the role of trauma-informed care for Native communities, specifically describing how historical trauma affects the health of Wisconsin tribal communities.

Questions? Contact NACHP at nachp@hslc.wisc.edu

MEDSC-M930 American Indian Health, History & Tribal Governance Flyer