1 credit Elective- Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in HIV Care

This is a one-credit elective course offered through the School of Nursing in collaboration with the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center-Wisconsin (MATEC-WI).
Through this unique learning opportunity, open to medical (M1), nursing, social work, and pharmacy students (P1), participants will gain foundational knowledge and skills in interprofessional collaborative practice and HIV care.


The history of the HIV epidemic and the impact of stigma and discrimination
Current HIV epidemiology, including populations disproportionately impacted by HIVPrinciples of interprofessional practice and education
Basic principles of HIV prevention, diagnosis, and treatment HIV care models and the role of interprofessional teams in HIV care

If you are interested, please take this survey.

Nursing 692-467 Flyer

This post was authored by Leah Kechele on 11/15/2024.