Professional Development for Graduate Students | UW-Madison Graduate School
Events for master’s and doctoral students
October 2024
Overcoming Imposter Phenomena and Building Resiliency as Graduate Students
Thursday, October 10, 10-11:30 am |Online
Explore new ways to build your own resiliency in academia with a new framework that builds upon research on imposter phenomena, adapting to change, and building resiliency.
Preparing a Teaching Demo for a Job Interview
Thursday, October 17, 11:30 am – 1 pm | Online
Learn the basics of teaching demonstrations, a common part of the interview process when applying for jobs that include teaching in higher ed.
A Student-Centered Approach for Reducing Plagiarism
Mondays, October 21 and 28, 10:30 am – 12 pm | Online
Learn how student-centered, accessible, and contextual course design can reduce students’ propensity to cheat and improve learning for all. Two-part workshop, meets on both October 21 and 28.
Fostering a Growth Mindset and Developing a Sense of Belonging in Your Students
Thursday, October 24 |10 am – 12 pm | Online
Learn how instructors can foster growth mindsets in their students and, in turn, foster greater student motivation, achievement, and belonging.
Creating Effective and Inclusive Learning Experiences for Neurodiverse Students
Thursday, October 24 | 1 – 2:30 pm | Online
Learn about neurodiversity in teaching and learning and develop strategies to create an effective and inclusive learning environment in this one-part workshop. No previous experience with neurodiversity is necessary. Registration opens on Monday, October 7th at 11am.
Beyond Graduate School (for master’s students)
UW-Madison subscribes to Beyond Graduate School. Create an account or log in to register.
What employers actually value about your degree
Wednesday, October 9 |1 – 1:30 pm | Online
In this workshop you will learn how you can communicate the value of your degree to employers.
Submitting resumes online but not hearing back? Here’s why.
Wednesday, October 23 |1 – 1:30 pm | Online
This workshop will explain the downside to submitting resumes to online postings and what you should do instead. You will learn how to begin developing a professional network and use LinkedIn to research careers.
Beyond the Professoriate (for doctoral students)
UW-Madison subscribes to Beyond the Professoriate. Create an account or log in to register.
How to network when you don’t have a network
Wednesday, October 9 |11 – 11:45 am | Online
This webinar will show you how to build a network of professionals working in career fields that interest you. You’ll learn how to network authentically and how to avoid common networking mistakes.
Wednesday, October 23 |11 – 11:45 am | Online
This webinar will provide an overview of academic publishing and cover topics such as knowing when you research is ready to be published, revising to improve your chances of publication, peer review and expected timelines.
UW-Madison subscribes to NCFDD. Create an account or log in to register.
How to Engage in Healthy Conflict
Thursday, October 10 | 1 -2:30 pm | Online
Join the webinar to master the skill of healthy conflict.
How to Effectively and Efficiently Revise and Resubmit Your Manuscript
Tuesday, October 22 | 1 – 2:30 pm | Online
Participants will learn to develop your own system to manage overwhelm, organize reviewers’ feedback, strengthen your manuscript for resubmission, and write a compelling letter to the editor/reviewers.
This post was authored by Lynaye Stone on 10/01/2024.