2024-2025 Student Representatives on SoN Governance Committees

Hello School of Nursing students, staff, and faculty,

It is our pleasure to share the election results for student representatives on governance committees within the School of Nursing!

Below is a list of students who will represent their cohort and bring forth comments, questions, and concerns to the committees on which they serve. Students, we encourage you to reference your email for contact information which you can use to engage with your student representatives.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

Pre-Nursing: Mia Jolineau
ABSN: Sophia Butkiewicz
TBSN: Mai Nhia Yang
DNP: Eric Ido Bruce
PhD: Jingxi Li

Graduate Programs Committee

DNP: Nick Sablich
PhD: Rachel Hawn

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

ABSN: Sydney Race
TBSN: Eva Gold

Wellness Advisory & Action Committee

Pre-Nursing (non-voting): Maddy Martin & Tara Zwald
BSN representatives: Cody Volm & Lainey Wight
Graduate student representatives: Ashley Smith & Lexus Weigand

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 09/26/2024.