International Medical Book Club & Upcoming Book Discussion of Belly Woman

In 2020, students from the Accelerated Nursing Program helped form a Goodreads nursing book club called RN – Select All Books That Apply.

The moderators, Goodreads, and the group Being.Lagom, have collaborated to offer a virtual book discussion of Belly Woman: Birth, Blood & Ebloa – The Untold Story, by Dr. Benjamin Black. Dr. Black wrote the book Belly Woman in reflection of his experience working as an OB/GYN with Doctors Without Boarders (MSF) during the Ebola breakout in Sierra Leone.

Being.Lagom, an international group that promotes the mental health of health care providers, will host this book club discussion. Dr. Black himself will be in virtual attendance! Discussion topics during the book club will likely include: medically necessary abortion, staff safety and PPE, lessons to carry through for the next pandemic, and many more.

All are welcome to sign up for the virtual (Zoom) book discussion which will take place on August 24, 9am CST.

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 08/16/2024.