Dear Graduate Students,
I am writing to encourage you to participate in a unique professional development opportunity aimed at improving communication skills: the Three Minute Thesis Competition.
The ability to communicate confidently and concisely about your research in a way that accessible to people of all backgrounds is a core competency of graduate education. As you strengthen these skills, you become better able to embody the Wisconsin Idea, expand the benefits of your research beyond the bounds of the university, and convey the significance of your work to potential funders, legislators, the media, and more.
The 3MT is an international communication competition, hosted by the UW-Madison Graduate School and Graduate Women in Science, in which research-based graduate students explain their research to a general audience. Students in research-based master’s and PhD programs from all disciplines are eligible to participate. Cash prizes are awarded to the winners.
Here are some ways to get involved in the 3MT:
- Attend the Friday, September 27 workshop “You’re Researching What? Lunch and Prep for the 3MT.” This workshop will give you practical strategies to prepare an accessible, intriguing three-minute talk about your research. Lunch will be provided, and those who sign up to compete in the 3MT will receive a t-shirt.
- Read about the competition process, what to expect, and rules at
- By Wednesday, October 9, sign up to compete in 3MT Semi-finals, which will be held in person at Memorial Union on Wednesday, October 23.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Alissa Ewer Assistant Dean in the Graduate School at
This post was authored by Alissa Ewer on 08/06/2024.