Nursing Research and Sponsored Programs is pleased to highlight this month’s featured publication by Dr. LD Oakley, PhD, RN!
This month we celebrate an article co-authored by LD Oakley ranking as a top cited paperin Nursing Inquiry for 2022-2023! The article summarizes Black nurse researcher conversations about how their experiences in Schools of Nursing shape the development of health equity knowledge. The article details pathways in which institutions undermine health equity knowledge development. Among the topics they present are discussions on challenges obtaining research funding, students of color being discouraged to pursue their own research agendas, and the practice of doing research on, rather than with, Black populations. The authors assert that “Diversity, equity, and inclusion are institutional concepts in name only if the conditions necessary for health equity knowledge development do not exist” [pg. 3].
Cooke, C. L., Boutain, D. M., Banks, J. & Oakley, L.D.* [2022]. Health equity knowledge development: A conversation with Black nurse researchers. Nursing Inquiry, 29, e12463.
*UW-Madison School of Nursing
This post was authored by Emma Schaefer on 05/31/2024.