The Greater University Tutoring Service (GUTS) is hiring for the following part-time student positions:
- Academic Tutors
- Brief Description: Tutors will work with our Academic Match program to facilitate weekly small group tutoring sessions, in high enrollment STEM courses, like Chemistry and Statistics.
- Job Listing: Academic Tutor at UW–Madison
- Deadline to Apply: Wednesday April 10th at 11:55 PM
- Study & Learning Skills Specialist (SLSS)
- Brief Description: Study and Learning Skills Specialists (SLSS) provide academic support to students with disabilities at the McBurney Disability Resource Center. SLSS staff members are tutors who teach study and learning skills rather than subject-specific content. They accomplish this by facilitating one-on-one, student-centered appointments to support students as they reflect on their study skills and develop a personalized plan for academic success.
- Job Listing: Study and Learning Skills Specialist
- Deadline to Apply: Friday April 12th at 11:55 PM
We welcome undergraduate and graduate students from all majors, schools, and colleges on campus to apply! Please direct questions to Caitlin Farrell Haven at
This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 04/07/2024.