Dear Undergraduate Students,
Do you enjoy writing, sharing ideas, and talking with other students about their writing? Are you interested in joining a diverse group of students committed to helping others and serving as leaders on campus? If so, consider applying to be a Writing Fellow!
Writing Fellows are a diverse group of highly motivated undergraduate students from all majors (not just English) who participate in a peer tutoring program that places undergraduates in positions of intellectual leadership. As a Fellow, you would work closely with professors to improve student writing in carefully selected classes. Through this position, you will have the opportunity to serve as a role model for other students on campus, gain invaluable experience as a reader and writer, conduct and present original research, and receive a scholarship of $1100 per semester.
This scholarship position offers:
- A leadership experience that will build your resume and give you valuable preparation for your future path.
- A training program with knowledgeable faculty that is focused on writing, social justice and inclusivity.
- Opportunities to work directly with professors from various courses as you give feedback on their students’ writing.
- The chance to improve your own reading, writing, and teaching skills.
The Writing Fellows program seeks to center and support Fellows from marginalized groups on campus. Our social justice initiatives include:
- Exploring the connections between writing, tutoring, racial justice, and linguistic justice in our tutor education course (English 403).
- Providing ongoing education for Fellows focused on social justice and accessibility.
- Creating a diverse and welcoming community where Fellows receive mentorship on tutoring, writing, and shaping the way writing is taught.
- Giving Fellows opportunities to take leadership roles in the program and present research to broader audiences.
If you are interested in becoming a Fellow or want to find out more about how to apply, please visit our website or check out our Instagram page (@uw_writingfellows).
IMPORTANT NOTE: To apply to the Fellows program, you must have at least two full semesters left at UW-Madison after this spring and be able to take English 403, our three-credit tutor education course, in Fall 2024. The Writing Fellows application is available through the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH). The application deadline is March 15, 2024.
If you have questions, please direct them to Johs Rasmussen, the Writing Fellows Assistant Director who leads efforts to recruit new Fellows, at Thank you for your interest, and please feel free to reach out for more information!
The Writing Fellows Program
This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 02/28/2024.