January NRSP Featured Publication – Dr. Gicquelais

Nursing Research and Sponsored Programs is pleased to highlight this Featured Publication in the NRSP January Newsletter!

This month’s Featured Publication is authored by Dr. Rachel Gicquelais, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor.

People who inject drugs commonly experience infections and are at high risk for overdose. Understanding the social interactions that occur when someone injects for the first time could lead to harm reduction interventions. As part of a larger study, Dr. Gicquelais and colleagues aimed to better understand who they helped and why. One of the most common reasons reported for helping someone else with their first injection was to prevent them from injuring themselves, suggesting that these altruistic motivations might be an opportune time to also share harm reduction strategies that reduce risks of infection and overdose.

Gicquelais, R. E.*, Astemborski, J., Werb, D., Kirk, G. D., Mehta, S. H., and Genberg, B. L. 2023. Context and correlates of providing assistance with someone’s first injection in the AIDS linked to the IntraVenous experience cohort, Baltimore, MD. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Sept 1 250, Advance online publication.

*UW-Madison School of Nursing

This post was authored by Emma Schaefer on 02/06/2024.