Nursing Research and Sponsored Programs is pleased to highlight this Featured Publication in the NRSP December Newsletter!
This month’s Featured Publication is authored by Dr. Madelyne Green, PhD, RN; and Dr. Kate Gillespie, DNP, RN, CPH.
As we say farewell to Dr. Greene this month, we wanted to feature a collaboration between Drs. Greene and Gillespie. The two are interested in maternal and child healthcare, and Wisconsin has a nationally high maternal mortality rate for Black and Native American women. Recognizing the importance of nursing care for this population of mothers and infants, and significant job differences between hospital and home care nurses, Drs. Green and Gillespie examined burnout and turnover factors among perinatal home visiting nurses. Interviews and observations were used to identify three main themes that expose these nurses to burnout risk: 1) role strain, 2) lack of racial and socioeconomic concordance with clients, and 3) low job control with high psychological job demands. They hope this research can aide in public health nursing workforce retention and development.
Greene, M.Z. & Gillespie, K.H.* (2023). Factors related to burnout among perinatal home visiting nurses. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 37(3), 187-195.
*UW-Madison School of Nursing
This post was authored by Emma Schaefer on 01/16/2024.