Apply to be a Mentor in the International Peer Mentor (IPM) Program! Applications due 1/31.

The Global Engagement Team (GET) at International Student Services (ISS) is seeking exceptional students to join the International Peer Mentor Program (IPM)!

Mentors: For 2024, mentors have not yet been selected! For 2023, there were 15 mentors including international students, domestic students, grad and undergrad. Mentors will serve on a team of (up to) 3 and support a group of up to 10 mentees each.

Mentees: New international, degree seeking, undergraduate or graduate students will be invited to participate and sign up to have a Mentor.

Goals: Mentors will offer holistic support through one-on-one conversations (virtually and in-person), social gatherings, bringing mentees to campus events, encouraging involvement, answering questions, sharing resources, etc. This program will provide opportunities for you to meet people from across campus, build skills in mentoring to enhance your resume, share your international experience, and have fun! Mentors will be matched with Mentees of the same academic level (Undergraduate or Graduate), but NOT from the same nationality or Major/academic field.

Timeline: Applications will open at the end of the Fall semester. Mentors will be selected by February and trained throughout the Spring Semester. At this point, there is a small, virtual only, summer commitment.

Time commitment: about 5 hours per week and will fluctuate throughout the Fall semester. This is a 1-year commitment (January – December).

Training: In person, 2-4pm, Fridays, Feb 16 – April 26, 2024 for Spring 2024. All training is required – to be selected as a Mentor, you must commit to attending all training sessions. Some training will also take place remotely over the summer and in-person in August.

Compensation: Serving as a mentor is volunteer. However, food during trainings and events and IPM apparel is provided.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, January 31, 2024

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 01/16/2024.