Scholarship Application Due 2/9/24- Mischler IPE Scholarship

Dr. Mischler has generously provided the UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) with an Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Scholarship fund for one ($1,500) or two or a team of two ($3,000) professional students in a health/social-related program to complete an immersion experience (called project) to learn more and contribute to interprofessional team-based practice, education, and research.  Professional students in all health/ social-related programs at the University of Wisconsin- Madison are eligible to apply.  Students must be in good standing and committed to spend a minimum of 60 hours over 1-2 semesters on the project.  In the case that there is a larger project spanning upwards of 120 hours, a scholarship award of up to $3,000 could be considered, justification must be included in the student’s application.

Click here to learn more and apply.

Mischler IPE Scholarship Application Guidelines

This post was authored by Kaitlyn Hawley on 01/10/2024.