“We Need to Have Our Voices Heard”: A Menominee Elder’s Perspective – CARE Connections

“I used to introduce myself by saying I am an elder in denial and I’m also a recovering Tribal Chairman,” laughs Karen Washinawatok.

Wishnawatok, the former Chair of the Menominee Tribal Government, served as this year’s Elder-in-Residence at UW–Madison. Read more about her in the November issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter of the SoN’s Center for Aging Research and Education. Here’s an excerpt:

“As a language teacher of our Menominee mother tongue, I offer intergenerational classes,” she says. “I encourage grandparents to bring children, grandchildren, extended family members.” 

This month’s CARE Connections also includes CARE’s new Dementia Friendly Hospital Toolkit; a profile of CARE Affiliate Adrienne Johnson, PhD; and news and events related to older adult health and well-being.

Sign up to receive future issues by email on the CARE website.

This post was authored by Diane Farsetta on 11/28/2023.