Put your creativeness to the test in this accessible-to-all innovation contest! You could win $1,200 in cash prizes in one weekend!
Create and pitch a valuable, innovative or socially beneficial product or service using materials you can find in your dorm room, home or apartment. Think like an entrepreneur and keep in mind the three elements of entrepreneurship: having an idea, taking action and creating value. To succeed in this Challenge, you should test assumptions, seize opportunities and be creative. The contest is administered by the StartUp Learning Community at UW-Madison and is open to all currently enrolled UW-Madison students.
This year’s contest launches on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. Students can check the 100-Challenge website starting at 9am to find the list of “approved materials.” Final videos or slide decks need to be uploaded by end of day on Monday, Nov 13.
For more information and to sign up, visit the 100-Hour Challenge page!
This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 10/26/2023.