Rural Wisconsin Hospital Cooperative Monato Essay Prize

32nd Annual $2,500 Rural Health PrizeThe Rural Wisconsin Hospital Cooperative (RWHC) Hermes Monato Prize of $2,500 is awarded annually for the best rural health paper. There are no rigid requirements for the length, format, etc. To date, winning papers have ranged from first person essays to formal “journal ready” articles. Deadline for submission is June 1, 2024It is open to all students of the University of Wisconsin (any campus) as well as recent graduates (12 months before 6/1/24 deadline).Students are encouraged to write on a rural health topic for a regular class (or independently) and then submit a copy to the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative as an entry before the June 1st deadline. Additional information can be found here.

RWHC Award Flyer

This post was authored by Judy Christensen on 10/16/2023.