NRSP September Featured Publication – Dr. Maichou Lor

Nursing Research and Sponsored Programs is pleased to highlight this Featured Publication in the NRSP September Newsletter!
This month’s Featured Publication is authored by Maichou Lor, PhD, RN, and Assistant Professor.
Did you know that Hmong people often describe pain differently than people from other cultures?  This can render the standardized pain scales commonly used by clinicians less effective. Dr. Maichou Lor, recent PhD graduate Abby Hammes, and their collaborator conducted individual interviews and design sessions to create and refine a novel “Faces of Pain” scale specifically tailored to the Hmong population. This article discusses the participant’s expressions of pain and the process and feedback used in tool adaptation.  The next phase of this project involves a national efficacy study.
Lor, M*., Hammes, A. M.*, & Arcia, A. (2023). Development of a culturally appropriate faces of pain intensity scale for Hmong patients. Pain Medicine, Advanced online publication.
*UW-Madison School of Nursing

This post was authored by Emma Schaefer on 09/18/2023.