COVID Isolation Update for Undergraduate Nursing Students – Fall 2023

For Fall 2023, UW Health and SSM are following the CDC Guidelines for Healthcare Workers (Return to Work Criteria for HCP with SARS-CoVS Infection).

  • At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared if a negative viral test* is obtained within 48 hours prior to returning to work (or 10 days if testing is not performed or if a positive test at day 5-7), and
  • At least 24 hours have passed since the last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, and
  • Symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) have improved.

For Fall 2023, Cooper Hall will be following the CDC Covid-19 Isolation Guidelines.

  • If you are ill, always wear a mask (regardless of covid status)
  • If you test positive for Covid, please isolate for 5 days
    • You may end your isolation if you have no fever and your symptoms are improving/resolved
    • Continue isolation if you have a fever or your symptoms are not improving/worsening
    • Wear a mask through Day 10 even if symptoms are resolved.

For the most up-to-date UW-Madison information regarding COVID, please visit UHS’s webpage, COVID-19 Information for Students and Employees.