Summer 2023 Course Offerings from Gender & Women’s Studies

To see a complete list of Gender & Women’s Studies summer course offerings, please visit the GEN&WS Summer Term 2023 page.

Two courses to take note of:

GEN&WS 103: Gender, Women, Bodies, and Health – Online, Asynchronous, 8-week session, June 19-August 13: Examples of topics include hormonal processes, reproductive anatomy & physiology, sexuality, sexual pleasure, chronic illness, depression, and sexual violence. A primary course objective is for students to connect information about their bodies and personal health to larger social and political contexts. In particular, considers how health and health disparities are shaped by multiple kind of social inequalities, particularly inequalities based on gender.

GEN&WS 200: Intro to LGBTQ+ Studies – Online, Asynchronous, 8-week session, June 19-August 13A multidisciplinary introduction to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) studies, including theories of identity formation, different societal interaction with LGBTQ communities, LGBTQ cultures in history, and contemporary legal and political issues. Course materials explore the intersections between LGBTQ identities and other socially marginalized identities, including (but not limited to) those based on race, ethnicity, religion and disability.

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 03/16/2023.