Spring 2023 Course Community & Environmental Sociology 375: Community Response to Pandemic

There are still several seats open in Community and Environmental Sociology 375: Community Response to Pandemic in the spring!

Community and Environmental Sociology 375:  Community Response to Pandemic Meets T/R 2:30 pm-3:45 pm

Course Description:  As we live through the COVID-19 pandemic we have witnessed a wild array of behaviors at the community level—protests against masking on the right and against racial injustice on the left, right-wing occupations of cities like Ottawa, attempts to overturn democratic elections, shortages of consumer goods, and a variety of community-based responses like the creation of testing and vaccination centers, and the organizing of mutual aid networks. How do we understand these behaviors in the context of a pandemic?  We will look at similar community responses to pandemics across recorded history and now.  Students will also be able to choose topics for us all to learn about and will be able to influence the course requirements.

For more information and to enroll, visit Course Search & Enroll.

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 12/06/2022.