SPRIGs are like FIGs, except they are open to all interested students (not just first-years) and link just two courses together. For more information about SPRIGs and how to register, click here.
Health Careers in a Diverse and Digital Workplace is a great option for students interested in careers in the health sciences. It includes “Inter L&S 215: Communicating about Careers,” which carries social science breadth and fulfills the COMM B requirement. It also includes “GWS 103: Gender, Women, Bodies, and Health,” which carries natural science breadth. Click here for more information.
Understanding the Roles of Religion in Public Health is an excellent fit for students interested in religious studies and/or public health and epidemiology. It includes “RS 475: Religion, Global and Public Health,” which carries humanities breadth and “PH 370, Introduction to Public Health: Local to Global Perspectives,” which carries either social science or natural science breadth. Both courses count toward the Global Health major or certificate. To learn more, click here.
This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 12/01/2022.