SuccessWorks career courses are a fantastic option for spring! These courses offer valuable opportunities for career development and exploration regardless of major. Students will work on practical skills such as resume writing, interviewing, networking, and more!
Inter-LS 210 & 215 are designed to help students build skills they can use now for job and internship searches. Inter-LS 210: Career Development, Taking Initiative is a one-credit course, while Inter-LS 215: Communicating About Careers is a three-credit course that also fulfills the Comm B requirement. Please see the attached flyers.
Inter-LS 260: Internship in the Liberal Arts & Sciences applications for Spring 2022 are currently being accepted. This one-credit online course is open to any UW-Madison student seeking to earn course credit while completing an internship. This is a permission-only course, and the instructions to apply can be found here.
This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 11/17/2022.