N590 LGBTQ+ Health – Spring 2023 Elective

N590: LGBTQ+ Health, is a new nursing elective course starting Spring 2023! This course will cover topics such as community histories, gender-related care, mental health and suicide prevention, sexual and reproductive health, substance use, organizational change, and social support and community connection.

This course is open to all graduate and advanced undergraduate students (DNP, PhD, second year TBSN). Students will have the option to select a track, social and behavioral health or physical health, to more deeply explore topics of interest. This course will involve class discussions and one final project that will align with students’ interest and education focus such as research proposal, outreach project, etc..

Instructor: Elliot Tebbe
Semester: Spring 2023
Meeting Times: M/W 1:00-2:15pm

Go to Course Search and Enroll for more information and to enroll in the course!
Course Search & Enroll > Term: Spring 2023 > Subject: Nursing > NURSING 590 LGBTQ+ Health