Spring FIGs (SPRIGs)

A small number of spring 2023 FIGs (now called SPRIGs) are available for students to enroll in. Please note, SPRIGs are open to any student (not just first-years) and they are usually just two courses connected together. Students need to enroll in all of the classes in the SPRIG.

Here are a couple of highlights for Spring 2023:

Health Careers in a Diverse and Digital Workplace: includes Inter L&S 215 (Communicating about Careers) and GWS 103 (Gender, Women, Bodies, and Health). These courses carry social science, natural science, and COMM B designations.

Understanding the Roles of Religion in Public Health: includes Religious Studies 475 (Religion, Global and Public Health) and Population Health Sciences 370 (Intro to Public Health: Local and Global Perspectives). These courses are at the intermediate level and carry humanities, and social or natural science designations. Both courses count toward the Global Health major or certificate.

For more information, visit this website to find general information about the program, full descriptions of the SPRIGs, details about the enrollment process and a link to the “request a seat form” that you must fill out to secure a seat.  Regardless of your registration time, students should reserve a seat as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Kari.fernholz@wisc.edu.

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 10/21/2022.