Movie Night: “Unconditional: A Journey of Selfless Love” October 18th at 7pm

Geriatric Interest Group (GIG), in collaboration with the Center for Aging Research and Education (CARE) is organizing a movie night on 10/18/22 at 7 pm, Social Sciences 6102.

“A generous grant from the Green Bay Packer Giveback Foundation and an anonymous donor made this short film possible. Four caregivers from Northeast Wisconsin came together and shared their thoughts and caregiving journeys on how important it is to make time for yourself and to keep laughter in your life. This documentary also explores the love, care, and sacrifices family caregivers give to their loved ones.” The movie is a 45-minute documentary.

Unconditional: A Journey of Selfless Love Flyer

This post was authored by Dana Decker on 10/06/2022.