The Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC) will be hosting a “Back-to-School Bash” on September 13th from 11:30am-1pm on the School of Nursing lawn. It will include food (from Jimmy Johns), games and information about who IPHC is.
What is IPHC?
Interprofessional Health Council, or IPHC, is an organization available to all health professional students at UW-Madison. IPHC’s purpose is to create opportunities for students from every health profession to interact and build connections outside of the classroom.
Why should you join IPHC?
Strong relationships and an understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and capabilities of all healthcare team members are essential to high quality patient care. IPHC strives to foster these relationships with the hope that similar connections will continue to be made after graduation.
What does IPHC do?
IPHC holds monthly meetings that involve opportunities to listen to guest speakers and create connections with peers from other health professions. In addition, IPHC holds an annual Health Summit that is open to all UW-Madison students and staff focusing on a current health topic that IPHC members can participate in planning.
For more information or if you have any questions, contact