Young Diplomat Leadership Fellowship – Deadline to apply is October 1

The Israeli Consulate in Chicago has put out a call for their Young Diplomat Leadership Fellowship. 

The Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest will welcome the second-ever cohort of its exclusive undergraduate opportunity, the Young Diplomat Leadership Fellowship. The YDL Fellowship strives to empower future self-motivated students who are passionate and eager to create meaningful social change. By teaching fellows how to challenge conventional thinking, expand their worldviews, and hone their oral and written skills, these students will be equipped to execute meaningful initiatives on their university campuses.

Once accepted into the fellowship, all fellows are expected to attend a Student Leadership Summit, which will be held from November 5th – November 7th, 2023, at a hotel in downtown Chicago (applicants will be given further details upon acceptance).  Hotel room (double occupancy) and meals are provided. Transportation will not be provided.
Fellows must also attend 3 cohort-based sessions (virtual): Propose Social Impact Projects, Execute Action Plan, Present project results and takeaways to the Cohort


FLYER: Young Diplomat Leadership Fellowship