We would like to invite you to participate in a research study with UW’s EMBARK (Eating-related Methodology, Behaviors, and Risk) Lab to understand the effectiveness of the Body Advocacy Movement (BAM) workshops for health professional students.
Study participants will be randomized into either a workshop group or a brochure group. The workshop consists of two, two-hour virtual participatory sessions and the brochure includes educational materials to read independently. Participants in both groups will complete a series of 20-minute surveys and activities at three different time points prior to and after completing their assigned task. All participants will be compensated for their time with $40 Amazon gift cards!
If you are willing to participate in this study, please follow this link for a screening survey: https://redcap.ictr.wisc.edu/surveys/?s=AKDKF7W83XFMMCMP
To learn more about the BAM Health intervention, please see the attached flyer. If you have any questions about the study or about BAM Health in general, please email us at tmeurer@wisc.edu or kreynin@wisc.edu. We appreciate your consideration!
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Email is generally not a secure way to communicate sensitive or health related information as there are many ways for unauthorized users to access email. You should avoid sending sensitive, detailed personal information by email.
This post was authored by Anna Kreynin on 06/22/2022.