StudentPrint is HIRING!
StudentPrint provides student employees with professional development and leadership skills through an approach that supports both the business and the team as a whole. Students focus on a few areas of special interest and are familiar with all aspects of how the business is run. Accountability, dedication, flexibility, and the ability to work in a fast paced environment with high attention to detail are all expectations of the position. There are opportunities for all majors and interests. For more about StudentPrint, please watch this short video!
We are currently looking for a Graphic Designer, Marketing Director, Financial Specialist, and Customer Service Representatives who could train in late-August to hit the ground running for the Fall 2022 Semester.
UW Student Job Center: #16916 (Graphic Designer)
UW Student Job Center: #16911 (StudentPrint Marketing Director /Customer Service Representative)
UW Student Job Center: #16912 (StudentPrint Financial Specialist /Customer Service Representative)
UW Student Job Center: #16915 (StudentPrint Customer Service Representative)
These applications will remain open until Sunday, July 6th at 11:55pm.
333 East Campus Mall, Room 3301
Madison, WI 53715-1380
+1 (608) 262-6216
This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 06/20/2022.