Educational Psychology Summer Course Availability

The Department of Educational Psychology at UW-Madison still has seats open for Summer 2022 virtual courses! For more information on any of the courses below, visit Course Search and Enroll. Courses marked with an asterisk count towards the UW-Madison School of Nursing Human Growth and Development prerequisite.

Ed Psych 301: How People Learn (online)

If you’ve ever wondered about how we learn, think, & know, join our class that is designed to examine the social & psychological principles that inform our understanding of the world around us. Explore foundational theories of learning, implications of thinking, & relationships between theory & application in the world. This course has been professionally developed and designed as an asynchronous, online course.

Ed Psych 320: Human Development in Infancy and Childhood (online)*

Want to learn about infants and children? If so, this class is for you! This course provides a broad overview of developmental changes from conception through childhood, such as changes in physical, motor, perceptual, cognitive, language, emotional, and social development. This course has been professionally developed and designed as an asynchronous, online course.

Ed Psych 321: Human Development in Adolescence (online)*

If you’ve ever wondered about how we learn, think, & know, join our class that is designed to examine the social & psychological principles that inform our understanding of the world around us. Explore foundational theories of learning, implications of thinking, & relationships between theory & application in the world. This course has been professionally developed and designed as an asynchronous, online course.

Ed Psych 326: Mind, Brain, and Education (online)

What can we learn from studying the brain? Mind, Brain and Education (MBE) is an emerging field that bridges neuroscience, psychology, and education. This asynchronous course provides a broad overview of brain development from birth to adolescence in educational contexts, such as how the brain changes in response to learning.

Ed Psych 331: Human Development Childhood Thru Adolescence (online)*

What changes between childhood and adolescence? Why are these changes important to consider in educational contexts? This asynchronous course provides a broad overview of developmental changes during the school years.

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 06/09/2022.