Summer Course Online – Health Promotion for Persons with Chronic Illness and Disabilities

Offering FULLY Online and Asynchronous – RP&SE 316- Health Promotion for Persons with Chronic Illness and Disabilities – This summer 2022! (June 20-July 17 Session DDD)

The goal of this fully online course is to study the theories of health psychology, health behavior, and positive psychology and their relationship to individuals’ health and overall quality of life. The course will emphasize practical applications of health promotion practice such as:

  • Examining tools for assessing and tracking health behaviors and quality of life
  • Public initiatives to promote good health
  • Preventing secondary (co-occurring) conditions
  • Practical models for healthy lifestyle interventions

Students will study health issues, health promotion and health practices that increase functioning and reduce secondary conditions due to disability and chronic illness. This course aims to encourage dialogue across professional disciplines related to health and disability.

Excellent opportunity for Rehabilitation Counseling, Nursing, OT, PT, Kinesiology, Social Work, Counseling Psychology, and any students interested in promoting positive health!

Note: For this Summer 2022 offering, students who do not meet the requisite of being Rehabilitation Psychology or HPHE majors will be allowed in the course. Students will need permission to enroll in the course.

Please contact instructor David Rosenthal, or Kayla Armstrong,

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 05/04/2022.