Volunteer with Achievement Connections!

Achievement Connections is a math tutoring program in the Dane County area high schools. Completing Algebra 1 by the 10th grade is a leading indicator that a student will graduate from high school. In Dane County, Algebra is one of the most failed courses with 1 out of 4 students failing Algebra on the first try. We provide algebra and geometry tutors to high school students in one-on-one tutoring sessions with the hope of engaging students in learning and facilitating productive study habits.

Volunteers commit 2 hours per week, on alternating days, anytime from 8:00am-4:30pm, for the remainder of the semester. Volunteers tutor students from one of the five high schools in Dane County: West, East, La Follette, James Madison Memorial, Middleton.

Interested in volunteering? Contact the Morgridge Center for Public Service at AC@morgridge.wisc.edu or 608-890-2134.

Achievement Connections Slide
WhoWhatWhy Achievement Connections

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 02/16/2022.