Connecting Through Technology During COVID-19 – December CARE Connections

Strict measures enacted to protect nursing home residents from COVID-19 cut off many from family members and friends.

Read how volunteers in one rural community working with the School of Nursing are safely bringing people together, in the December issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter of the SoN’s Center for Aging Research and Education. Here’s an excerpt:

“My work with the HeART Project has helped me realize that there are so many ways to help others,” says 4-H Tech Changemaker and high school student Laura Rydberg.

This month’s CARE Connections also includes resources for geriatric care active learning exercises; a profile of CARE Affiliate Alexis Eastman, MD; and news and events related to older adult health and well-being.

Sign up to receive future issues by email on the CARE website.

This post was authored by Diane Farsetta on 12/16/2021.