Spring Course Opportunity: Student SEED (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity)

Student SEED is a high-impact, dialogue-based, social justice seminar focused on exploring how students’ lived experiences of race, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, dis/ability status and their additional social identities impact their personal lives, our communities, and our society. Each class session, we will explore critical questions about racial & social justice, self-awareness, accountability, and action through interactive activities, dialogues, reflective practices, and group exercises/projects. Students of any major are welcome in SEED.

In Spring 2022, Student SEED will meet Wednesdays @ 4:30 – 7:00pm. We will serve dinner every class session.

Because of the nature of this course, we do ask that each interested student fill-out a short form to apply for entry to the course here: https://go.wisc.edu/ft97nh. The deadline to apply for entry into SEED is Wednesday, December 1st. Every student who applies will be considered for the 15 spaces available, as long as they apply by 12/1. Students will be informed if they can enroll in the course by 12/10.

The flyer has some more details, including the application link.  Spring 2022 SEED Flyer