Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry and Re-integration into Health-Related Research Careers, Deadlines: varies by Institute, Exp: Oct 27, 2023

Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry and Re-integration into Health-Related Research Careers (Admin Supp – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The goal of this program is to provide support for a mentored research training experience for individuals with high potential to re-enter or re-integrate into an active research career, after an interruption for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances described below. This program encourages re-entry and re-integration administrative supplement applications to existing NIH research grants to support full or part-time mentored research experiences by these individuals. The supplement grants are intended to provide these scientists an opportunity to update or extend their research skills and knowledge and prepare them to re-establish their careers in basic biomedical, behavioral, clinical, translational or social science research. It is anticipated that by the completion of the supplement support period, the re-entry/re-integration scientist will be prepared to apply for a fellowship (F), career development (K) award, a research award (R), or other types of independent research support.

The Re-entry Supplements program is intended to provide mentored research training opportunities for a minimum of 1 year to re-enter biomedical research to individuals with doctoral degrees, who have interrupted their research careers for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances.

The Re-integration Program addresses the critical need to provide individuals, including predoctoral students, who are adversely affected by unsafe or discriminatory environments resulting from unlawful harassment, to rapidly transition into new safer, and more supportive research environments. The goal is to provide these individuals a timely and seamless continuation of their research training programs and to safely reintegrate into the biomedical workforce. Unsafe environments may consist of threatening behavior such as sexual and gender harassment; harassment based on being a member of a racial, ethnic, sexual, or gender minority group; disability-based aggression; aggressions associated with religion; and other similar circumstances.

Application and Submission Information

Applications for this initiative must be submitted using the following opportunity or its subsequent reissued equivalent.

  • PA-20-272 – Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)

Deadline: Varies by NIH Institute or Center

Expiration date: Oct 7, 2023

Learn more!

This post was authored by Nicci Schmidt on 10/15/2021.