Upcoming Leadership Certificate Info Sessions – Mark Your Calendars!

Have you been thinking about completing the UW-Madison Leadership Certificate? The Center for Leadership & Involvement (CfLI) would like to invite all UW-Madison students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) who are interested in learning more about the Leadership Certificate to attend one of three upcoming Informational Sessions by registering below:

Session Dates

Wednesday, 6:00 PM, October 6th
Location: Memorial Union – Check the T.I.T.U. calendar day of!
Registration: https://win.wisc.edu/event/7456138

Thursday, 12:00 PM, October 7th
Location: Virtual
Registration: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrf-iorDooHdM6pQ0cLBC9I6K6ZZNIumEP

Friday, 11:00 AM, October 8th
Location: Virtual
Registration: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIuc-mqqDkuHtNEpjOuxClTCdxiy6rFkGw3

The Orientation format will be a general overview geared toward students who are just beginning the Lead­ership Certificate application process. Through interactive group work we will discuss questions you may have about your specific leadership experiences.

If you require disability-related accommodations, please contact Larry Jolón at larry.jolon@wisc.edu or call (608) 890-2761 five days prior to the session.

If you are interested in learning more but are unable to attend an info session, you can watch the session through an online video located on the Center for Leadership & Involvement website.