Fall 2021 Course: Interprofessional Health Equity and Social Justice

The UW School of Pharmacy is offering an interprofessional Health Equity Social Justice course again in Fall 2021. This class is on Mondays from 5  to 7 pm.

Health Equity Social Justice is a 2-credit interprofessional dialogue-based seminar course that seeks to examine issues of social justice, power, and oppression as they play out through our social identities and our health practice. The class is open to any student enrolled in a health science or allied health program.

It’s been offered in years past, and the feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive.  Course requirements are as follows:

  • Must be enrolled in a professional health sciences program or be a senior in a healthcare-focused major.
  • Must submit an application to be considered for the course (want to ensure a good mix of interprofessional disciplines as well as student demographics)
  • To be eligible for this course, students must complete the following course enrollment survey/application: http://wiscpharmacy.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eCDxiZds49EhofI

Once the application is submitted and the course facilitator team reviews it, Lisa Imhoff, course coordinator, will email the student regarding enrollment status.

Please direct any questions to Lisa Imhoff at lisa.imhoff@wisc.edu.

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 06/29/2021.