Mark Your Calendar and Register for “Breaths of Fresh Air: Corpus Callosum Artists Talk About Their Work”!

After a long year of Covid, it is time for some Breaths of Fresh Air. The event is hosted by Corpus Callosum, a new journal dedicated to the art behind healing. The event will feature many local artists who have contributed their works to the journal this past year.

Meditative pursuit, stress relief, creative outlet, time away from studies, research, patient care? Find out what inspired 18 artists who have contributed to Ebling’s online journal of the arts, Corpus Callosum.

Please join us to Tuesday, May 18, from 4 pm – 5:15 pm from the comfort of your home or office. Enjoy listening to 18 of our published artists discuss a painting, illustration, photograph, piece of music, or a written work.

Artists will be grouped into three sessions of six with each session followed by a Q&A session.

Please register to receive a Zoom link. The Zoom link will be sent to your email address on the Friday (May 14) before the event.

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 05/05/2021.