Many of the measures needed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 also limited long-term care residents’ social interactions.
Read how innovative nurses and other staff kept residents engaged and safe, in the April issue of CARE Connections, the monthly newsletter of the SoN’s Center for Aging Research and Education. Here’s an excerpt:
“Seeing me walking the halls at nine at night or two in the morning, and knowing I was here made a big difference to our residents. I would tell them, ‘If you can’t see your family, I can’t see mine—and together we’ll get through this.’”
This month’s CARE Connections also includes COVID-19 resources; opportunities for family caregivers and students to get involved with dementia-friendly initiatives; a profile of CARE Affiliate Stacy Schmitt, MSN, RN; and news and events related to older adult health and well-being.
Sign up to receive future issues by email on the CARE website.
This post was authored by Diane Farsetta on 04/15/2021.