Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC) – Awards, Scholarships, and Graduation Recognition!

Happy spring from the GSCC! We are excited to be in the season of formally recognizing our students and graduates and all the amazing things they do.

Join us for Rainbow Grad in May.
Nominate your peers for awards.
Apply for scholarships!


We are so pleased to invite you to join the community of the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center for the 28th celebration of Rainbow Graduation! We will virtually honor the graduates of the Class of 2021, confer Rainbow Leadership Awards, and recognize recipients of the 2021 GLBT Alumni Council Scholarships.

Thursday, May 6
Zoom (captioned, open to all!):

For students to participate as graduates (May, August, or December 2021), or to commence as an alum, register below:

Register to participate:
Join the event page: Rainbow Grad event on Facebook


Honor your peers, org-mates, and more! All UW students are eligible! Awardees will be honored at undergrad. Help uplift your people!

Nomination form:
Priority deadline: Friday, April 23


Available to all students who will be enrolled Fall 2022! Submit one application and apply for five different scholarships all at once!

Application form:
Priority deadline: Friday, April 23

We can’t wait to see you soon! For further questions and for accommodations, please email Katherine at, the office at, find us at FB messenger at uwgscc, or call us at 608-265-3344.