Badger Support Network – Get Involved

The Badger Support Network (BSN) was founded by a passionate group of students in 2019 and offers peer-to-peer support groups and stress-busting events that raise awareness towards mental health and well-being. This organization is determined to continue to act as a resource for the BSN community and University of Wisconsin student body at large.

Due to COVID-19, this Spring in Madison will look vastly different than previous semesters. As a club which aims to destigmatize mental health, BSN understands how impactful self-isolation can be for college students. BSN allows for students to have meaningful conversations, make new friends, and grow their network — something every student needs in times like today. BSN aims to provides relief to students who are eager to have as normal of a semester as possible.

Sign-ups to get involved with BSN for Spring 2021 have opened! If you would like to become a part of BSN, please follow this link. A flyer is attached for reference.

Badger Support Network Flyer

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 01/28/2021.