DNP and Psych Certificate Scholarships – DEADLINE TO APPLY 1/15/2021

DNP and Psych Certificate Students, the deadline to apply for scholarships for the 2021-22 academic year is fast approaching. If you would like to be considered for scholarships for the 21-22 academic year, you must fill out the scholarship application by 11:59pm January 15, 2021. Please note you are strongly encouraged to have a current FAFSA on file as part of the scholarship application as FAFSA financial information is important in calculating need.

Log into Scholarships@UW/WiSH and complete your GENERAL APPLICATION. You may need to hit refresh before moving on.

After you have completed your General Application, go to the SCHOOL OF NURSING APPLICATION to complete all questions. Make sure to hit “submit” after completing the application. *** Applications left in draft mode will not be considered.

Complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

If you have any questions, please email the Nursing Scholarships Team at

This post was authored by Academic Affairs on 01/07/2021.