Spring FIGs!

Not just for freshman! Spring 2021 term will see 9 excellent FIG options! Spring FIGs have only 2 courses and are open to any student (not just freshman) for whom the courses are a good fit. To learn more about spring FIG offerings, visit the Spring 2021 Catalog.

Here is a brief overview of some of the offerings:

FIG 94: Communication, Community, and Democracy. This 7 credit FIG includes courses in Political Science and Journalism. It helps fulfill social science and COMM B requirements.

FIG 95: Health Careers in a Diverse and Digital Work Place. This 6 credit FIG includes a COMM B “Communicating about Careers” course and Gender and Women’s Studies 103.

FIG 96: Yoga in Poetry and Pose. This 6 credit FIG includes two interdisciplinary courses and fulfills literature and social science requirements.

FIG 97: The Life of Primates. This 6 credit FIG includes Anthropology and Animal Biology courses.

FIG 98: American Identity and the American Dream. This 6 credit FIG includes courses from English and Gender and Women’s Studies and helps fulfill literature, ethnic studies, and humanities requirements.\

How to Enroll: If you are interested, fill out the “Choose your FIG” form found here. Once submitted, you will receive an email with registration instructions. As a reminder, students must enroll in ALL of the courses in the FIG. If you have any questions about spring FIGs or the registration process, please contact the FIGs Program Assistant Director, Kari.Fernholz@wisc.edu.