Spring 2021 WISCIENCE Courses

4 WISCIENCE courses are available to students during the Spring 2021 semester. The attached PDF includes details (class number, schedule, instructor, and contact information). WISCIENCE aims to enhance engagement and strengthen success in STEM through equitable and inclusive initiatives, collaborations, service, and scholarship.

WISCIENCE Spring 2021 Courses (full details attached):

Exploring Research in STEM (INTEGSCI 150, 1 credit, LAS elementary level)
Offers an overview of the research process and opportunities to build skills in reading scientific literature. Understand different approaches to science and to be flexible in thinking about gathering evidence or solving problems. Supports articulation of research interests, identifying potential research mentors, and writing professional emails to secure research opportunities. Explore STEM careers and pathways that can come from engaging in research.

Service with Youth in STEM (INTEGSCI 240, 2 credits, LAS elementary level, Community-based learning (service learning), Permission from instructor required)
Teaches students about community engagement experiences, focusing on building community partnerships, understanding organizational missions and community needs, assessment of informal science outreach experiences, and issues related to scientific literacy and access to science.

Entering Research (INTEGSCI 260, 1 credit, LAS elementary level)
One-credit course for students interested in engaging in research, to be taken alongside 1–3 independent research credits in a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) field. The course helps you get the most out of your undergraduate scientific research experience. Cultivate a productive mentor/mentee relationship, design an experience to meet your research goals, and develop your science communication skills. Students must have a confirmed faculty research mentor for the semester. Students do not need to have started their research experience and may or may not be actively engaged in in-person research on campus during this course.

Research Mentor Training Practicum (INTEGSCI 660, 1 credit)
Practicum course for graduate, post-doctoral or senior undergraduate students to be taken concurrently while mentoring an undergraduate engaged in an independent research experience.

WISCIENCE Resources for Students:

Guide to Finding a Research Mentor –This guide has workshop videos and extra resources to help students find a research mentor.

WISCIENCE Research Peer Leader Drop-in Hours – Peer advising for undergraduates interested in getting involved in research.

UW–Madison Student Resources – This document contains information about various resources available to all UW–Madison students (compiled by Nicole Minerva, a WISCIENCE Research Peer Leader).

Questions? Email connect@wiscience.wisc.edu
